The Fight Lyme Now campaign is a cause that I have supported for many years alongside my parliamentary colleagues Andrew Stephenson, Alex Chalk and Simon Hughes.
I was concerned to hear from campaigners that there is striking evidence to suggest a large and growing number of British Lyme disease sufferers are going undiagnosed and untreated, or misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. To find out as much information as possible, the Fight Lyme Now campaign has created an online survey which has so far been completed by more than 1000 British Lyme Disease sufferers. If you (or someone you know) has Lyme Disease, please take the time to answer a few simple questions and help the Fight Lyme Now campaign bring about positive change for British Lyme disease sufferers.
You can find the survey below.
To find out more information and keep up-to-date with the campaign:
Click here for the Fight Lyme Now Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FIGHT-LYME-NOW-1001949283182018/?ref=bookmarks
Click here for the Fight Lyme Now Twitter page: https://twitter.com/FightLymeNow