South Swindon MP Robert Buckland, who has been working on a joint campaign with Swindon Seniors Forum to Tackle Loneliness in Swindon, has congratulated the group and thanked members on their tenth anniversary.
On Tuesday 05 October 2021, Swindon Seniors Forum will host their AGM/Open meeting and celebrating 10 years also a belated Silver Sunday celebration for our members living in the Borough of Swindon at Pinetrees Community Centre, Pinehurst, Swindon SN2 1QR 2pm-4.30pm (registration from 1.30pm).
Silver Sunday, the event is part of a national day to overcome loneliness amongst older people that is held on the first Sunday in October every year.
The afternoon aims to combat loneliness by providing a packed schedule after the AGM, this session includes a guest speaker, pop-up talks. and music and for older people to try something new and meet new people. Whilst loneliness can strike at any age older people are at greater risk according to Age UK, more than a million older people say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.
Some people do not like to admit they are feeling lonely and Silver Sunday is a positive way to do something about it by meeting new people, some of our members stated how lonely they were during the pandemic. many older people are still self-isolating and have not been out of their homes since March last year.
You are never too old to try something new and Silver Sunday is the perfect opportunity to get together with your family, friends, neighbours or visit a park.
South Swindon MP, Robert Buckland has been working on a joint campaign with Swindon Seniors Forum over the past four years to tackle loneliness here in Swindon. He said:
“I would like to thank the dedicated volunteers at Swindon Senior’s Forum who have been working hard to improve life for the over 55s in and around the town over the past ten years. Their work in tackling loneliness and social isolation has made a real difference to the lives of so many people. I am delighted to be working with them on our joint loneliness campaign.”
Silver Sunday is organised by the Sir Simon Milton Foundation, a charity that works to reduce loneliness and isolation amongst older people. For one day every year, Silver Sunday provides older people with an opportunity to get out of the house, try new things and meet new people as well as to find out about local services that are available throughout the year.
Swindon Seniors Forum (previously known as Swindon Older Peoples Forum) was launch in 2011. SSF provides an independent inclusive forum for discussion and debate on our issues and concerns as senior citizens within the Borough of Swindon. We aim to engage with the over 55+ from all backgrounds who live and or work in Swindon on a wide range of issues important to our quality of life, including loneliness and isolation, local transport, universal benefits, ageing, health and social care and we take these issues and challenges forward to the relevant authorities and organisations.
For more information visit: Web:swindonseniors.uk
TEL: 07828 446672
We ask you to adhere to the revised COVID government guidelines that include not attending if you have a high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Face coverings are no longer legally required in any setting however if you feel comfortable in wearing one then please do so; masks will also be available on the day.
Norma Thompson, Chair